Friday, July 25, 2014

Groundbreaking Ceremony of new shrine of Sto. Sepulchro Parish Shrine at Landayan San Pedro Laguna

Groundbreaking Ceremony of new shrine of Sto. Sepulchro Parish Shrine at Landayan San Pedro Laguna

Ground Breaking led byVP Jejomar C. Binay, Mayors Lourdes S. Cataquiz of San Pedro, Arlene Arcillas of Santa Rosa, and Lenlen Alonte of Biñan, Governor Ramil Herndez, Mr. Federico Campos, qnd PNP commander Ortega. (first picture in top)

We are upgrading the current shrine into a basilica menore,. This will cost P300million design by Architect Gervasio Amistoso Jr.

The Shrine houses a very miraculous icon of Jesus in the Holy Sepulchre famed for its many miracles and wonders. The shrine rector is Msgr. Melchor Barcenas. Bishop Bueenaventure Famadico led the blessing rites.

More Story about -  Sto : Sepulchro Parish History 

More pictures to come
© 2014
Photographer: Mark Estrada Benalla Unauthorized use, copy, editing, cropping, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of any of the photos, without explicit permission, is illegal and is punishable by law. Feel free to tag and grab photos as long as you give credit to me as the photographer and as long as it will not be used for commercial purpose.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lolo Uweng Shrine Diocesan Shrine of Jesus in Holy Sepulchre

Lolo Uweng Sepulchre

To give a brief story of Lolo Uweng,  an image of the dead Jesus was found in the lakeshore of Landayan, San Pedro, Laguna. Since it was believed that the image is miraculous, the people of Landayan kept and encased it in a "camarin" which was placed inside the "visita" for veneration. The event gave way to the devotion of Jesus in the Holy Sepulcher accompanied by stories regarding the miraculous icon as testified by both the local parishioners and devotes from nearby provinces. 

According also to local historians, the name of Lolo Uweng was derived from Emmanuel Salvador del Mundo, the name given by the patron's first devotee. "Lolo" means grandfather in Filipino and term used to express respect and endearment to the elders and "Uweng" was the traditional Filipino nickname for Emmanuel. 

This popular religious tourism destination attracts about 25,000 weekly devotees on Fridays and about half-a-million pilgrims during Lenten season. The shrine is open seven days a week but devotees particularly come to Him every Friday to commemorate the Good Friday when Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross. During Fridays also, devotees will come to the shrine the earliest in the morning, some would come even before sunrise. Devotees will also fall in line to have the chance to touch Him or even His garment at the Veneration Chapel. That was the perfect time for them to say short prayers to the Lord after which, they will garland them with Sampaguita flowers on which San Pedro Laguna was known for. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sampaguita Festival 2014

I live in a country wherein poverty is rampant. Slum areas, street children, homeless families, beggars, name it... I wish the government is vigilant enough to care for their needs. Now the country is paving the road to economic progress, I sure do hope that the lower classes in the society will feel the impact of growth. Government is not solely to blame but officials should find ways, free from selfish schemes to fight poverty.

Below are some lines of two good songs, don't you agree?

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well
And let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty
They possess inside
     - Whitney Houston - Greatest Love of All

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow

There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and
the entire human race

Make a little space to make a better place
   - Michael Jackson - Heal The World Lyrics